Wooden Church in Tvrdosin

Location on map - Wooden Church in Tvrdosin
Region: Region Žilina
District: Tvrdošín
City / Municipality: Tvrdošín
Tourist location: Orava
World Heritage: UNESCO Cultural Heritage
Wooden Church in Tvrdosin - Slovakia
Wooden Roman Catholic Gothic church of All Saints is the oldest preserved building monument in the town of Tvrdošín. It was built in the second half of the 15th century and modified in a Renaissance style in the 17th century. Baroque main altar depicting All Saints is from the end of the 17th century. Worth of notice are also ceiling paintings depicting the starry heaven, as well as many religious artefacts from the 17th century. The Church was in 1994 awarded by Europa Nostra association and in 2008 was entered into the list of world cultural heritage of UNESCO.