Wooden church in Bodružal

Location on map - Wooden church in Bodružal
Region: Region Prešov
District: Svidník
City / Municipality: Bodružal
Tourist location: Šariš
World Heritage: UNESCO Cultural Heritage
Wooden church in Bodružal
The Greek Catholic church of St. Nicholas is part of a unique urban unit on an elevated position in the centre of the village Bodružal. Church is surrounded with the cemetery, wall, and the belfry from the 19th century.

It was built in 1658  and consists of three interconnected square-shaped parts along the east–west axis with 3 towers (the biggest one with the bells) topped with little onion domes and iron crosses. Artistically it belongs to folk Baroque style. 

Some of the 18th century wall paintings are still preserved as well as iconostasis, and other icons from the same century. Altar was reconstructed in 1990s and the whole building subsequently in the 2004. The church is in world cultural heritage list of UNESCO from 8th July 2008.