Museum of Kysuce village - Vychylovka Open Air Museum

Region: Žilina Region
District: Čadca
City / Municipality: Nová Bystrica, City part / Municipality part:Vychylovka
Tourist location: Kysuce
Mountains:Kysuce Highlands (Kysucká vrchovina)
District: Čadca
City / Municipality: Nová Bystrica, City part / Municipality part:Vychylovka
Tourist location: Kysuce
Mountains:Kysuce Highlands (Kysucká vrchovina)
The outdoor museum originated 11. October 1974 (he was the foundation stone), one of the main reasons for its creation was the construction of a new water reservoir Nová Bystrica. Its first task was to save the monuments of folk architecture of the villages namely Riečnica and Harvelka, that this building collapsed.
In the exhibit is located 34 buildings, mainly residential houses and farm buildings, a pub from Korna, 2 mills, and bricked chapel from Zborov nad Bystricou. Part of the open air museum is also Historical Logging Switchback Railway in Vychylovka. Exposure captures not only the architecture, but also the culture and way of life in Kysuce region from 19th century and the first half of the 20th century.