Mining museum in nature

Location on map - Mining museum in nature
Region: Region Banska Bystrica
District: Banská Štiavnica
City / Municipality: Banská Štiavnica
Tourist location: Hont
Mountains:Štiavnica Mountains (Štiavnické vrchy)
Mining Museum – open-air museum - Slovakia
Open Air Mining Museum (mining outdoor museum) is an exhibition on the surface and underground. It is located in Banská Štiavnica, about 1.5 km from the city center. Exhibition on the surface presents mining buildings and equipment moved here from various regions of Slovakia, educational geological exhibition and exhibition of quarrying and mining machines.

Going down the Bartolomej shaft is still the most attractive. Dressed in a mining mantel, with a helmet and a lantern you will experience the conditions in which miners used to mine here long time ago. The tour will allow visitors learn more about mining tours of 17th-19th century, as well as mining tools and equipment. The most precious exhibit is underground equipment called “gápeľ”, which has been driven by horses and comes from the late 19th century. It reminds us of times when groundwater used to be drained by two thousand horses and as many people. It is the only equipment like this preserved in Slovakia.