Historical exposition - Šariš Museum - Bardejov

Region: Prešov Region
District: Bardejov
City / Municipality: Bardejov, City part / Municipality part:Bardejov
Tourist location: Šariš
World Heritage: UNESCO Cultural Heritage
District: Bardejov
City / Municipality: Bardejov, City part / Municipality part:Bardejov
Tourist location: Šariš
World Heritage: UNESCO Cultural Heritage
The most valuable exhibits
St Nicholas's Altar from 1524
Janos Szilasi's Cup - made by a major Levoča goldsmith in 2nd half of 18th century
Set of Renaissance burghers' epitaphs from the 17th century
Queen Elizabeth's ring with brilliants
The town hall is a part of the World Heritage Site - the historical center of Bardejov was entered in year 2000 into UNESCO World Heritage list.