Church of St. Archangel Gabriel in Humenne

Location on map - Church of St. Archangel Gabriel in Humenne
Region: Region Prešov
District: Humenné
City / Municipality: Humenné
Tourist location: Zemplín - Upper Zemplín (Horný Zemplín)
Church of St. Archangel Gabriel in Humenne - Slovakia
Wooden church of St. Archangel Gabriel is situated in the Open Air Museum in city Humenné (East Slovakia), which is part of the Vihorlat Museum exhibition. Church was moved  from village Nová Sedlica  and is the oldest among all the objects in the Open Air Museum. It was moved to the open-air museum in 1974 as the first object. The church was built in year 1754. Today, this jewel of folk architecture annually visit thousands of visitors of the museum, not only for its exterior appearance, but also for restored iconostasis and altar.