Holy Trinity Square in Banská Štiavnica

Location on map - Holy Trinity Square in Banská Štiavnica
Region: Region Banska Bystrica
District: Banská Štiavnica
City / Municipality: Banská Štiavnica
Tourist location: Hont
Mountains:Štiavnica Mountains (Štiavnické vrchy)
World Heritage: UNESCO Cultural Heritage
Holy Trinity Square in Banská Štiavnica - Slovakia
Square shaped in the beginning of 16th century, and forms the core of the city. A significant role in its formation played the building of the Town Hall and the Church of St Catherine. Houses on the sides of the square are  epideictic burgher's palaces, which belonged to rich burghers and mining entrepreneurs.

The dominant of the square is plague column width Sculpture of the Holy Trinity. It was built as a gratitude of town for the retreat of plague epidemic in the years 1710 - 1711. The original simple plague column was later rebuilt (in years 1759 - 1764) according to the design of the sculptor Dionýz Stanetti. On the pedestal are depicted sculptures of the six saints, the protectors from the plaque and the patrons of the miners: St. Sebastian, St. Francis Xavier, St. Barbara, St. Rochus, St. Catherine, St. Joseph.

Source: www.banskastiavnica.sk