Uhrovec Castle

Category: Castles
Region: Trenčín Region
District: Bánovce nad Bebravou
City / Municipality: Uhrovec
Tourist location: Nitra - Upper Nitra (Horná Nitra)
Mountains:Strážov Mountains (Strážovské vrchy)
Nitrické vrchy
District: Bánovce nad Bebravou
City / Municipality: Uhrovec
Tourist location: Nitra - Upper Nitra (Horná Nitra)
Mountains:Strážov Mountains (Strážovské vrchy)

During its history, the castle changed owners several times. It was more times in royal ownership and owned by the most important and richest magnates of Hungary. Its owners were, among others, Matúš Čák Trenčiansky, King Karol Róbert, King Žigmund of Luxembourg, Štibor from Štiborice and Beckov, Pongrác from St. Nicholas.
In 1530, the castle estate was acquired by Uhrovec Peter, called Doktor de Zylagy, who was the administrator of the royal revenue. In the middle of the 16th century, František Zay of Čemer became the owner of the castle, to whom King Ferdinand I assigned the castle estate. However, he had to compensate the widow of Peter Doctor, who invested in the reconstruction of the castle. From this period, the Zay family became the owners of the castle.
Although the castle was not the center of fighting in the Middle Ages and was not destroyed by the Turkish invasions, its ruin has been preserved to this day only. The reason was the remote location of the castle and the fact that the owners leaved it in the 18th century. At the beginning of the 19th century, the Zay family had the roof repaired, but it was torn down by a storm. In 1848 the castle burned down and began to fall into disrepair.
The restoration of the castle is carried out by the Civic Association Uhrovec Castle , the aim of which is to stop the process of castle degradation, rehabilitate and preserve the most endangered and rarest parts of the castle, complete vaults, roofs and restore architectural details.
Foto: Tibor Hanko