Stone waterfall and stone sea

Location on map - Stone waterfall and stone sea
Region: Region Banska Bystrica
District: Lučenec
City / Municipality: Šiatorská Bukovinka
Tourist location: Novohrad - Poiplie
Mountains:Cerová Highlands (Cerová vrchovina)
Stone waterfall and stone sea - Slovakia
The stone waterfall and the stone sea are unique creations of nature and tourist attraction. They are located in southern Slovakia, near the village of Šiatorská Bukovinka in the Region Banská Bystrica (Banskobystrický kraj), near the Šomoška Castle. You can get there through the nature trail from the village of Šiatorská Bukovinka to Šomoška Castle. The stone waterfall was uncovered during the construction of Šomoška Castle (13th century). It is a natural creation that originated about 4 million years ago from the lava of the volcano that solidified beneath the earth's surface. Near the Stone waterfall there is a Stone sea. Stone Sea was created by cuts of basalt pillars. It is interesting, that these basalt pillars were used in construction of the Šomoška Castle.