Lowlands in Slovakia
A lowland is an area with flat to hilly geo-relief (geo-relief is a set of shapes of the earth's surface - fragmentation of the earth's surface) at an altitude of up to 200 m. a.s.l. In the territory of Slovakia, it is the territory up to 300 m.a.s.l. In countries that do not have access to the sea, the border of the lowlands is usually to 300 m. a.s.l. The relief of the Slovak lowlands is from 94 m above sea level (the basin of the Bodrog river from the Slovak side - the lowest place in Slovakia above sea level) up to 300 meters above sea level.
There are 5 lowlands on the territory of Slovakia:
Danubian Lowland (in Slovak Podunajská nížina)
Eastern Slovak Lowland (in Slovak Východoslovenská nížina)
Záhorská lowland (in Slovak Záhorská nížina)
Borská lowland (in Slovak Borská nížina)
Lower Morava Valley (in Slovak Dolnomoravský úval).
The list below also includes the Lower Morava Valley (Dolnomoravský úval) , which can be considered a river plain - it is located in western Slovakia and the southeastern Czech Republic on the lower course of the Morava River. Borská lowland is part of the Záhorská lowland.
Lowlands in Slovakia are divided according to the geomorphological division as follows:
Danubian Lowland belongs to the sub-province Little Danubian Plain (in Slovak Malá dunajská kotlina) and is divided into wholes Danubian Flat (Podunajská rovina) and Danubian Hills (Podunajská pahorkatina).
Eastern Slovak Lowland belongs to the sub-province Great Danubian Plain (Veľká dunajská kotlina) and is divided into wholes Eastern Slovak Flat (Východoslovenská rovina) and Eastern Slovak Hills (Východoslovenská pahorkatina).
Záhorská lowland belongs to the sub-province Vienna Basin (Viedenská kotlina) and is divided into wholes Borská lowland (Borská nížina) and Chvojnická pahorkatina.
Borská lowland belongs to the area Záhorská lowland (Záhorská nížina) and is divided into sub-wholes Dolnomoravská niva, Myjavská niva, Gbelský bor, Záhorské pláňavy, Bor, Novoveská plošina, Podmalokarpatská zníženina.
Lower Morava Valley belongs to the area Juhomoravská panva and has one sub-whole Dyjsko-moravská niva on the territory of Slovakia.
The list of all lowlands on the territory of Slovakia, their superior units and sub-units according to geomorphological division is given below. You can find more about the Geomorphological division of Slovakia in the article Geomorphology of Slovakia.