Vlkolínec - monument reservation of folk architecture

Location on map - Vlkolínec - monument reservation of folk architecture
Region: Region Žilina
District: Ružomberok
City / Municipality: Ružomberok, City part / Municipality part:Vlkolínec
Tourist location: Liptov
World Heritage: UNESCO Cultural Heritage
Vlkolínec - monument reservation of folk architecture - Slovakia
Monument reservation of folk architecture in Vlkolinec is a picturesque village under the administration of the town of Ružomberok. Historically, however, it was a separate village. The first written mention of the village came from 1376 and after 1882 it became part of Ružomberok. Vlkolínec is one of the Slovak villages that have been given the status of a folk architecture reservations. This status was granted because the village is an untouched and complex example of folk countryside architecture of the region of the Northern Carpathians.