Košice Region / Districts

Districts - Košice Region
The district with the largest population is Košice - okolie district with a population 131,955). The district with the second largest population is Michalovce district with a population 108,132. The district with the third largest population is Trebišov district with a population 103,002. District with the smallest population is Sobrance district which has 22,226 inhabitants.
Population status as of 31.12.2023.
Official data on state of the population as of 1.1.2025 / 31.12.2024 are not yet available.

Districts by area in Košice Region

Nr. District NR
inhabitans (*)
Area km2 (*)Density of population / km2 Municipalities
1. Gelnica31,736584
2. Košice I62,96585
3. Košice II78,38581
4. Košice III27,55117
5. Košice IV56,14361
6. Košice - okolie131,9551,535
7. Michalovce108,1321,019
8. Rožňava58,4221,173
9. Sobrance22,226538
10. Spišská Nová Ves98,556587
11. Trebišov103,0021,073
Total: (11)779,073 (*)6,753.00
461 (**)
Population status as of 31.12.2023.
(**) The number of municipalities and cities is calculated without the city of Košice as a whole, including its city parts.
(*) Source: www.statistics.sk
NR. City part The population
in city part(*)
1. Džungľa 767 Košice I
2. Kavečany 1,361 Košice I
3. Sever 18,424 Košice I
4. Sídlisko Ťahanovce 20,081 Košice I
5. Staré Mesto 20,137 Košice I
6. Ťahanovce 2,195 Košice I
7. Lorinčík 1,155 Košice II
8. Luník IX 7,146 Košice II
9. Myslava 2,683 Košice II
10. Pereš 2,168 Košice II
11. Poľov 1,193 Košice II
12. Šaca 5,744 Košice II
13. Sídlisko KVP 21,675 Košice II
14. Západ 36,621 Košice II
15. Dargovských Hrdinov 24,397 Košice III
16. Košická Nová Ves 3,154 Košice III
17. Barca 3,710 Košice IV
18. Juh 20,724 Košice IV
19. Krásna 6,179 Košice IV
20. Nad Jazerom 21,998 Košice IV
21. Šebastovce 772 Košice IV
22. Vyšné Opátske 2,760 Košice IV
Total: (22) 225,044
(*) Source: www.statistics.sk
Population status as of 31.12.2023.