Bratislava Region / Districts
Districts in Bratislava Region

Districts by population in Bratislava Region
The district with the largest population is Bratislava II district with a population 125,980). The district with the second largest population is Bratislava V district with a population 122,048. The district with the third largest population is Senec district with a population 105,075. District with the smallest population is Bratislava I district which has 47,375 inhabitants.
Population status as of 31.12.2023.
Official data on state of the population as of 1.1.2025 / 31.12.2024 are not yet available.
Official data on state of the population as of 1.1.2025 / 31.12.2024 are not yet available.
Districts by area in Bratislava Region
The largest district in Bratislava Region by area is district Malacky with an area 949.56 km2. The second largest district in Bratislava Region by area is the district Pezinok with an area 375.54 km2. The third largest district in Bratislava Region by area is the district Senec with an area 359.88 km2. The smallest district in Bratislava Region by area is district Bratislava I which has an area 9.59 km2.
Districts by number of municipalities in Bratislava Region
The district with the largest number of municipalities is Senec district with 29 municipalities. The district with the second largest number of municipalities is Malacky district with 26 municipalities. The district with the third largest number of municipalities is Pezinok district with 17 municipalities. District with the smallest number of municipalities is Pezinok district which has 17 municipalities. Number of municipalities and cities is counted without city parts of city Bratislava. You can find their list below.
Nr. | District |
NR inhabitans (*) | Area km2 (*) | Density of population / km2 |
Municipalities nr (**) |
1. | Bratislava I | 47,375 | 10 (9.590124) | 4,939.98 | 1 |
2. | Bratislava II | 125,980 | 92 (92.490067) | 1,362.09 | 3 |
3. | Bratislava III | 77,594 | 75 (74.674875) | 1,039.09 | 3 |
4. | Bratislava IV | 105,043 | 97 (96.665027) | 1,086.67 | 6 |
5. | Bratislava V | 122,048 | 94 (94.207079) | 1,295.53 | 4 |
6. | Malacky | 79,689 | 950 (949.564634) | 83.92 | 26 |
7. | Pezinok | 69,953 | 376 (375.539629) | 186.27 | 17 |
8. | Senec | 105,075 | 360 (359.883925) | 291.97 | 29 |
Total: (8) | 732,757 (*) | 2,054.00 (2,052.615360) | 89 (**) |
Population status as of 31.12.2023.
(**) The number of municipalities and cities is calculated without the city of Bratislava as a whole, including its city parts..
(*) Source:
(**) The number of municipalities and cities is calculated without the city of Bratislava as a whole, including its city parts..
(*) Source:
List of city parts of the city Bratislava
NR. | City part | The population in city part(*) |
District |
1. | Staré Mesto (Old Town) | 47,375 | Bratislava I |
2. | Podunajské Biskupice | 23,276 | Bratislava II |
3. | Ružinov | 82,483 | Bratislava II |
4. | Vrakuňa | 20,221 | Bratislava II |
5. | Nové Mesto | 45,342 | Bratislava III |
6. | Rača | 26,214 | Bratislava III |
7. | Vajnory | 6,038 | Bratislava III |
8. | Devín | 2,071 | Bratislava IV |
9. | Devínska Nová Ves | 17,067 | Bratislava IV |
10. | Dúbravka | 35,572 | Bratislava IV |
11. | Karlova Ves | 34,942 | Bratislava IV |
12. | Lamač | 7,827 | Bratislava IV |
13. | Záhorská Bystrica | 7,564 | Bratislava IV |
14. | Čunovo | 1,770 | Bratislava V |
15. | Jarovce | 3,016 | Bratislava V |
16. | Petržalka | 112,794 | Bratislava V |
17. | Rusovce | 4,468 | Bratislava V |
Total: (17) | 478,040 |
(*) Source:
Population status as of 31.12.2023.